The Easy Way to Get Actionable Insights from Xero

If you've found yourself reading this article, chances are you’re already using Xero, or at least thinking about it.

And it’s easy to see why – Xero is widely praised for its ability to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and consolidate information into a single, organised database.

However, even the best tools have limitations. Managing data from various branches or subsidiaries and obtaining a unified view can be challenging. Additionally, timely insights are crucial for making critical business decisions.

That’s where Tugger comes in.

Our tool acts as the perfect complement to Xero. This plug-and-play business intelligence tool integrates seamlessly with Xero and other platforms like Power BI, enabling you to analyse your data in ways you previously only imagined.

Let's explore how we combine these two powerful tools to enhance your data management and analysis. 

Boosting financial insights with Xero and Power BI

First, let's discuss the importance of data.

Gone are the days when businesses could rely solely on manual spreadsheets and static reports. Today, data drives decision-making, and businesses need advanced tools that offer more than just basic number-crunching.

Xero is one such tool, a powerful accounting software that has become essential for businesses worldwide. As Xero certified app partners, we’re big fans. However, while it has many benefits, it has some quirks – especially regarding data visualisation.

Thankfully, Power BI comes to the rescue.

Developed by Microsoft, Power BI transforms raw data into interactive and visually engaging insights. It enables you to analyse data, share insights across your organisation, and make crucial decisions. It’s like seeing your finances in technicolor!

While these tools are impressive independently, connecting them can be tricky. This is where Tugger steps in. 

Seamlessly integrating Xero and Power BI

Our platform integrates seamlessly with Xero and Power BI – revolutionising financial reporting and data analysis.

We’ve done the hard work for you, creating numerous ready-to-go reports that dive deep into your data and present it beautifully. The best part? You can customise them to fit your needs. No more digging around in details – everything is available at the touch of a button.

Viewing your data this way illuminates hidden trends and opportunities, improving the accuracy of your performance forecasts. Being able to visualise key metrics like revenue, expenses, and profitability allows for informed decisions that drive business growth.

Automation opportunities are abundant, eliminating manual data handling and simplifying report generation. Updates happen effortlessly. Ahh.

And here’s the cherry on top: Tugger is affordable. No long-term contracts, just straightforward pricing that’s friendly to companies of all sizes.

Head to our Xero connector page to find out more

The advantages of connecting Xero with Power BI

1. Consolidating data across multiple entities

Many companies operate across various branches, subsidiaries, or international borders, making it challenging to consolidate and make sense of financial data. A common issue we hear is, “Why doesn’t Xero let me see all our entities in one place?”

Good question. We have the solution. Take our client, UDL Group, for example. When they moved to Xero, they faced this exact problem. Despite being able to report on each company individually, visibility at the top level was lacking. Executives were making decisions in the dark.

After attempting to build their own Xero-Power BI connection (without success), they found Tugger. By using our out-of-the-box solution and collaborating on custom report development, we consolidated their data into one comprehensive report.


I've never encountered something as user-friendly as Tugger – a simple flip of the switch, and it's up and running. I was genuinely impressed. With standard reporting templates right from the start, I gained instant visibility into our individual companies and entities. To be honest, it was quite remarkable.
Matthew Hughes
Chief Information Officer
UDL Group

Now, they seamlessly blend financial info from their various subsidiaries into a single view. But this isn’t just about making prettier reports – this solution gives you a clear picture of your organisation’s financial health for smarter decisions and strategic moves. 

2. Effortless comparative analysis

Side-by-side analysis is simplified, allowing for easy comparison of financial performance across branches, subsidiaries, or departments. This helps identify trends, outliers, and areas for improvement quickly.

With all your key metrics laid out neatly, spotting discrepancies or anomalies is a breeze. This enables targeted investigations and corrective actions. For instance, you can compare revenue growth rates across regions or scrutinise expense patterns to identify inefficiencies.

This integration also allows for year-over-year profitability comparisons, helping you gauge whether your business is meeting its financial targets.

With comparative analysis at your fingertips, you can make data-driven decisions confidently and optimise resource allocation to drive performance improvements across your organisation. It’s a win-win!

3. Enhanced forecasting and budgeting

Historical data is invaluable for forecasting and budgeting, providing insights into past trends to inform future projections. By leveraging historical data from Xero within Power BI, you can enhance the accuracy of your forecasting models and support budgeting processes.

Areas such as historical revenue, expenses, and cash flow patterns are crucial. They help forecast future performance, identify risks, and set realistic financial targets. These insights are essential for building predictive models that influence business performance, considering factors like market trends, seasonality, and economic conditions. This means you have the information needed to make decisions, allocate resources, and ensure your business is growing steadily.

4. Customised and dynamic reporting

A significant advantage of linking Xero with Power BI is the ability to create tailored reports for your business. Design Power BI reports and dashboards to showcase key financial metrics, KPIs, and more.

Whether tracking profitability, monitoring cash flow, or analysing expense trends, Power BI allows you to customise reports to meet your specific needs. It’s your go-to tool for comprehensive financial updates.

5. Unified data sources for a complete picture

Lastly, let’s discuss integrating other data sources. It’s not just Xero and Power BI that can enhance your business. While financial data is crucial, it’s only one piece of the puzzle. To get the full picture, you need to include other data like sales numbers, inventory levels, and customer information.

Tugger helps with this too. Integrate your Xero data with other sources like HubSpot, Excel, or Microsoft Teams, creating a unified dataset for analysis. This consolidated approach provides a single source of truth, ensuring the information you work with is consistent, up-to-date, and accurate.

This isn’t just about number crunching; it’s about understanding your business fully. Integrating these datasets can uncover new insights and enable strategic decisions that drive your business forward. 

How to easily connect Xero to Power BI with Tugger

Ready to connect Xero and Power BI with Tugger? It’s easy – no tech expertise required. Check out our video for a step-by-step guide to get started.

Sign up for a free trial

Final thoughts

Integrating Xero with Power BI through Tugger isn’t just about enhancing financial analysis; it’s transformative. From comparative analysis to forecasting and customised reports, the possibilities are endless. With these tools working together, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Everything can be tailored to fit your business’s unique needs and goals in no time.

Interested in learning more?

Get in touch with the Tugger team to discover how to maximise these systems for your business.

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